Hi. My name is Joe Williams. I've just completed Graduate school for Storyboarding from the Academy of Art in San Francisco. But I don't live in San Francisco. I did, I started there, but life has it's own way of imposing itself and redirecting you as it wishes. I had originally lived in San Francisco back in 1999/2000 and was to be a storyboard artist then. But long story short I returned to the Midwest where I'm from and eventually met my wife. After returning to SF and graduate school she was accepted to Med school BACK in the Midwest and so I returned here. During that move back I was deployed with the U.S. Army to the Middle East and spent a year there, while still working on my thesis.
It wasn't pretty, none of it was. But being a storyboard artist is my goal. Working with great creative people to tell great stories is my goal. Currently I work at a boarding school as the Residential Director, so I manage three departments, over thirty staff and have managed over 100 students. It's hard work, but with a mission. But still, at the end of the day I want to be a storyboard artist. I want to place my energies there and see what happens. So please take a look around. If you have questions please ask. If you want to work with me, let me know. I look forward to getting to know you.