
So I have a day job. I'm a residential director at a school, and it's a tough gig. Office politics yes, staffing issues, of course, but none of it's not so bad. It's good experience I say. But it takes up a lot of my time, valuable time that I wish I would be at my drawing board working towards this dream I have.

Now that I'm done with school I've signed up for an 8 week workshop from Storyboardart.org. I'm excited and ready for the huge challenge. And in the middle of all this I had an incident at my work where we had a tragedy. I've been guiding my staff as best I can but it's taken up so much more of my free time any time I have now I'm exhausted. A couple of weeks have gone by and I'm finally hitting my first video.

Then the opportunity presented itself. A company out of San Francisco emailed me wanting to know if I could work on a project for them. This was my first professional offer ever. I was estatic, I jumped up and down, and I was panicked. They wanted to know what my rates were. Well, I remember that a friend from grad school had posted some rates on social media and a few of us emailed her and said that maybe she should raise her rates a bit...they were extremely low. I thought about that, then googled "Storyboard rates" but couldn't find anything from after 2010. So I did what any ignorant but well meaning chump would do in this situation, and through a number out there that was within the range, though slightly under my currently salaried daily rate at my current job. And they ghosted.

So, through the guidance of my former department head at the Academy of Art University I purchased a well recommended book, and I'm educating myself once again. Well, speaking of education, back to listen to the great Sergio Pâez from storyboardart.org...